Friday, May 05, 2006

How to Lose a House Seat

If breathalizers were installed in all congressional cars, my guess is that the retention rate for incumbents would be much lower. Alcohol, a cherished tradition on Capitol Hill (according to the biography of Lyndon Johnson), might play a role in pushing Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-RI) into a more competitive race than a Democratic incumbent in Rhode Island could possibly imagine. That is probably not very competitive at all.

The congressman admitted to crashing into a road barrier two blocks away from the Capitol early yesterday. Although he did not admit to being drunk, police report that Kennedy was staggering out of his car, and, more absurdly, claiming that he was late for a vote. It was 3 AM.

Taking votes at 3 AM would certainly be a work ethic upgrade for an organization that generally works three days a week.


At 4:21 PM, Blogger Ken Adams said...

Jack, don't give Rhode Island voters too much credit. It's the same place where Buddy Cianci was elected mayor of the capitol city AFTER being convicted for assault & battery.


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